Sunday, February 03, 2013

An articulated, mechanical wing Sir...

Well, the geo-environmental engineer and I's respective 'CreativeProjects' are under way. I am under instruction to purchase a dead duck so that she can dis-articulate the skeleton, get the hang of which bones go where and then RE-articulate it with pieces of wire as a first dry run of her Dodo skeleton construction.

I meanwhile, have modelled, in card, an articulated, mechanical wing mechanism... and it works a treat. Next stage is to build the other wing, work on the opening and closing mechanism and then scale it all up in mahogany, brass and canvas. Bloody marvellous!


  1. ha ha ha ha! brilliant stuff...

    along sort of similar lines my Pa and I are attempting to build a remote controlled camera in a rock (with bait dispenser) to photograph Purple Sandpipers....

  2. Lol, Inspired dude ! So wanna see that in action! How you fixed over next couple weeks for a day out birding?
