Monday, February 14, 2022

How easily we forget...


Well, I managed an hour on the patch today and saw sod all...but I did add TWO to my Moore life list? Now how is that possible? Failing memory and a good chew on some patch fat with my fellow patcher, young Michael - that's how.

Bumped into each other near the Eastern Reedbed. I was on my way to check for Water Rail, finches along the path, Goosander on the river and anything on the Black Fields... he had already done the east end and found zilch. The place was dead. So instead of yonking the loop, we sat at Pumphouse at Colin's Screen (it can no longer be called a hide) and chewed the proverbial. Wasn't long before days of yore were on the menu and those birds still yet to get. Now, the Mullster's patch list is longer than mine, without a doubt, he had after all been working it long before I came along... and so conversation ambled into birds I have still to get. One of which is this little chap...

So, I was rueing not yet having had Little Gull when I was reminded that I had, so I checked my blog and bugger me, he was right! I'd had one on Birchwood Pool. Here's the very bit from 'Little Things...' my blog of Sunday April 1st 2012... and yes the irony of the date is not lost on me!

"There was already a bloke at the west hide when I arrived and we chatted briefly until... hang on... what's that... bloody hell LITTLE Gull. A gorgeous adult not yet with its summer black hood was hawking for insects in the sunlight with elegant dips and flutters above the pool.  Smokey underwing, delicately rounded wingtips, lightest most bouyant flight... beautiful. Quickly gave Mully a ring who was down in about 5 minutes flat and who then began the round of calls and texts to other patchers. This was apparently the first Little Gull for the reserve itself, the only other records coming from Halfway House."

Slightly worrying how the old memory fades... even more so when I asked him about the Richard's Pipit records for the reserve (his memory far exceeds my own...). He'd had one or two and looked a little surprised at my envy... "Well you had one too..." he said. I did? Then in a bizarre epiphany a flash of a record whizzed past 'Eastern Reedbed!' I remembered. Well, I wasn't far off it was actually Mill Brook Pool on December 1st 2009... and I had blogged about that too! Maybe I should go back and read my own blogs lol. Here's the entry...

Dec 1st – Richard's Pipit NNW over Millbrook Pool mid-morning - calling "schriiip". Heading toward capped tip. Large pipit, long tail, pale underside. Long undulating flight. Called twice. 

I have no idea if I submitted it to CAWOS (I used to do crazy things like that back in the day before one too many rejections after which I thought... 'D'ya know what? F**k it! I know what I saw. Your approval is not necessary...', nor if I did, whether it was accepted - I'm guessing not. Either hoo, it's mine and I'm having it...

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