Monday, January 31, 2022

Deja (Deja Vu) Vu... and whatever the opposite is...


Something It's like a Deja Vu of a Deja Vu moment... and I suspect I am experiencing a glitch in the Patch code... either that or there's a modal running because I find myself living almost the same moments, eight years on compared to what I did eight years or so earlier. 

I fire myself up to visit the patch (currently a low tide at HWH beckons)... only to be scuppered by the weather or work or alarm clock inertia... end up missing it and then ponder on what could be about and sigh at the lack of birds. Then I check previous blog posts for this time of year and find... I was doing almost exactly the same thing each year, except this time it feels different. It isn't of course, different... but I'm now wondering why it is that things have come full circle despite everything else in my world moving ever onwards. I'm not sure whether to take comfort in this (these?) fixed point(s) in time...or... rue them. Quite the existential dilemma and not very 'patchy'. 

Q: What to do?   A: Flip a coin...

Heads - some online birding. Tails - a snack and an early night.


Hmmm. Heads... 

Where to? The US I guess... should be daylight there... it's 9pm here. Let' see... how about California?

...and we have... WOW!

DOZENS of Hummers... mostly Ruby-throated - AMAZING!

Well I did NOT expect that... go check it out... here's the link

That is splendid. I'm almost jealous! OK... one more then snacks and sign off for now I think... random pin in webcam map yields... Tresna, Poland. OK... so what's going on down by... Żywieckie Lake?

I'll tell you what. Wild Boars is what!!!

Now how do you follow that?

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